Entertainment Art Services

Creative Art

Professional Art Services tailored to the unique needs of media projects, film, television and gaming.


Complete Art Services

Unify Your Vision

When it comes to media projects producers and project managers are tied up with so many different areas of creation and production that many times a unified promotional art package is left to the end or sacrificed completely. Our team of highly experienced Art Directors and Creative Designers can help you create and unify a complete package of art and promotion assets to take your project to the next stage easily and efficiently. 

We can help you realize many different tools needed for you media projects including Posters, Pitch Packages, Social Media, Banners, Clothing Designs, and so much more.

Specifically tailored to film and television we understand the unique needs that this industry requires and expects in the next phases of any media project.

Don’t wait until your project is finished to bring these assets to fruition. Talk to us and find out how we can help you today.



Sample Designs

Secret History TV Series


Iconic Band Names Design for the annual RBC Blues Festival

Chris Hadfield


A customized logo for the one and only, Chris Hadfield.

Lost Words


Cover from the Lost Words feature film pitch package.

RBC Tshirt

Custom Tshirt Design

Custom T-Shirt Design for the RBC Blues Festival.

Rutherford Manor


Custom poster for the Gothic Prairie Series, Rutherford Manor.

Film Posters


Tougue-in-cheek film poster of one of the Laminar staff.

Additional Services

Expand Your Reach

Site Automations

Add automation to your website with automatic e-mails and texts to your audience.

Professional SEO

Maximize your ranking on Google with new or existing websites.

Google Adwords

We can setup your Google Adwords campaigns to help expand your audience.

Custom Software

Need something totally custom? We can help design complete integrated customizations.